General Terms and Conditions

Every order must be addressed to Akante either by email, fax or letter on company’s letterhead. Akante will confirm receipt of your order within 10 working days either by email. Receipt of this order confirmation constitutes a sales contract. All orders addressed to Akante implies the client’s full acceptance of these sales conditions without reserve. If there are general conditions of purchase, only AKANTE's general conditions of sale shall apply. Prices indicated on Akante invoices are in British Sterling and prices listed excluding tax. Products offered and available while stocks last. After confirmation of order, if a product becomes unavailable, Akante will inform the client as soon as possible. If merchandise ordered cannot be delivered, having become unavailable after placement of order, Akante reserves the right to cancel the contract without compensation. In all other circumstances, the contract can only be cancelled with the written accord of both parties. Akante reserves the right to change design and specifications without prior notice. Descriptions of product are given as a rough guide only, as inalterability in materials colour and finishings over time cannot be guaranteed. The buyer is fully aware that exposure of wood or wooden parts, glass and fabric to sunlight can alter colour. Akantes’ notices, leaflets, pamphlets,catalogues and websites are for information and guideline purposes only and are not contractually binding. Final product may not be as uniform as mass-produced industrial lines. Slight variations may occur in Akante’s hand-crafted products, especially for bent tempered glasses where a 5 mm dimensional variation must be accepted. Prices in catalogues and other printed materials are for guideline purposes only. Prices applied for each sale are those prices as per date of delivery. All variations in prices shall be fixed by both parties, Akante and the client, in accordance to these terms and Conditions. Contracts signed by agents/reps of Akante are not binding until confirmed in writing by Akante. Goliath and Auguste dining table are custom made products. Orders placed for these products cannot be cancelled or refunded.

The cristal glass furniture retains a greenish residue on the edge which the samples do not reflect due to the difference in size between them and the furniture tops. All glass sold in the UK market is tempered glass. Akante's marbled ceramic-topped tables are a sight to behold. The cloudy, speckled and grey-vein hues that give each marble-topped piece its own unique look. This characteristic is essential to all of our ceramic-marble pieces. One could say that this stark grey-vein pattern is nature's very own signature in the stone. Akante cannot therefore guarantee an identical repetition in the marble's pattern between one piece and another. Akante distributes many products with an integrated pivoting mechanism. The tables glass/ceramic plates are glued upon a metal disc around which the plates can then pivot. The junction point between the plates and the metal disc is fragile. The tables should therefore never be moved, transported or manipulated by lifting the upper plates. The "Mesh" finishing is a steel mesh sheet laminated between 2 glass plates. In spite of thorough edge polishing, it is possible that some metal shards show through the glass edge. On the non-visible parts, in particular the underside of the ceramic top glued to the glass, scratches may exist. These scratches will not be repaired or serviced under any circumstances.

The client is not authorised to sell Akante products nor any product bearing the name Akante, online without express prior written consent of Akante. Furthermore, he is not allowed to use the visuals of the products and the AKANTE brand in any way on the internet or any other medium.

Our orders are carriage paid for orders over £600. For orders below this amount, the delivery charge is 20 euros or £35. Special case of orders placed via the "Professionals account" of the website for an order including only lighting fixtures, the carriage is also £600; below that, the carriage costs are 20 Euros or £35. For all other orders, and whatever the amount, shipping is free. Special cases: The shipping terms apply exclusively to deliveries to shops and depots in France, Belgium, Germany and UK. Thus, for deliveries "on the pavement" to individuals, the shipping costs are 50 Euros or £60 excluding VAT, whatever the amount and the method of registration of the order (email, fax, telephone, Professionals account...). Prices of products include cost of delivery. Merchandise is dispatched from our warehouse. Delivery time depends upon the mode of transport. Delivery times indicated on Confirmation of Order are for guidance purposes only. In the case of industrial action by our suppliers, Akante cannot be held liable for late deliveries. Akante will also not be held liable for losses due to non-delivery in exceptional circumstances such as fire, , strikes, boycotts, lock-out, embargoes of war. Akante does not reimburse delivery costs for late deliveries in such exceptional circumstances.

Before accepting delivery of goods, the client should check that the goods conform to the order. Number of and state of packaging. Goods should be inspected on receipt and the delivery paperwork only signed once the goods have been checked. All problems should be noted on the dispatch docket and Akante informed within 3 working days. Akante cannot compensate for goods damaged in transport if problems have not been recorded in the dispatch docket upon receipt of goods. In the case of goods damaged in transit, it is the responsibility of the client to supply photographs of damaged goods for which compensation is being claimed. The request for compensation, along with clear photographs and precise descriptions should be addressed by email to within 3 working days of receipt of goods. If the entire consignment of goods damaged beyond use, the client should refuse delivery and contact Akante via email (abovementioned address) so that a new delivery can be arranged. For all other compensation claims, the client is asked to unpack goods within ten working days of receipt of delivery and in case of problem, photos should be sent along to All claims received after ten days of delivery or without photographs will not be accepted. Damaged goods should only be returned with Akante’s prior written consent.

For all customers in France or overseas: full payment for the amount of the order is due within 30 business days, except for recommandation of our credit insurance, from the date of the invoice. In case of default in payment by due date, Akante reserves the right – in accordance to Article L441-6 of the Code of Commerce – to charge interest at a rate applied by the Central Euopean Bank of 10%. In the case of late or non-payments, interest shall become payable automatically without the necessity of a reminder. For recovery costs, the client will owe 10% of the amount of the claim, with a £50 minimum.

Notwithstanding delivery of goods to the client, all goods remain the property of Akante until such time as payment in full has been received and cleared. In the case of non-payment, Akante reserves the right to reclaim all merchandise.

Any use of the name Akante, its designs and models, logo, texts, documents, illustrations or images, without the express written consent of Akante, constitutes and infringement of copyright of Intellectual Property (copyright protection for brands trademarks and registered names). Total or partial reproduction of Akante’s catalogue, is strictly forbidden.

Under the warranty for hidden defects, AKANTE will only be liable to replace defective goods free of charge, without the client being able to claim damages for any reason whatsoever. AKANTE cannot be held responsible for indirect damage and financial loss that may arise from the purchase, transport and delivery of its products. Akante liability for claims shall be limited to the contract price. Akante cannot be held responsible for damage, loss or stolen goods during transport, even if Akante has chosen the transporter.

These General Terms and Conditions are subject to French Law. In the event of a dispute, the Commercial Court of Lille shall have sole jurisdiction, even in the case of introduction of third or multiple parties.

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